Page by Page: Book Reviews

Cries and Whispers

Lydia Denworth in her book I Can Hear You Whisper restores one’s awe at the amazing feat that is communication. As a scientific journalist, she dissects the process of language acquisition from auditory comprehension to speech production, but her quest for understanding is personal. Denworth’s third son, Alex, was born hearing-impaired.

Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything

The Birth of The Coolth

Americans were more fully aware that modern life, urban life in the late nineteenth century, made heat more unbearable than ever. As Salvatore Basile writes in Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything: “America was realizing that a heat wave was much more unpleasant in cities than in rural areas: the larger the city, the more brick and stone and human bodies, the more hellishly hot it felt.” A man-made heat was being created that could only be controlled, ultimately, by man-made cooling. Slowly, inchoately, but tenaciously, the quest for coolth had begun.

The Soul Story

Musolino delivers a compelling narrative, inherently polemical, based on historical facts, experimental data, theories in sociology and political science, findings in experimental psychology and neuroscience, philosophical principles, and theological beliefs. While this conglomerate is conveyed admirably in layman’s terms, avoiding disciplinary jargon for the most part, it sometimes feels dizzyingly kaleidoscopic with little attempt at layering or prioritizing the relative status of component parts.

The Spirit Level

Over the millennia, holy writings and wisdom become a guide to many of us as we search for the meaning that will shape us as individuals and as communities. There is no certainty here, and doubt and questions and reconsiderations will always accompany us, as it does many who practice science. There is no simple reading of Scripture here, either.

Mary Tyler Mores

Sex and The City would add more sex, shoes, and cocktails; 30 Rock upped the neurosis and goofball antics; while Parks and Recreation added small-town government parody. But it all started with Mary.

Devoured By Desire

Lahr’s work is a unique amalgam of dramatic criticism and biography—one which results in a comprehensive and original re-assessment of the playwright.

Queen Elizabeth

It is with great anticipation that we turn to Warren’s autobiographical narrative for clues as to how someone growing up in crimson red Oklahoma, who considered herself a Republican into the 1990s, came to be a boldly progressive Democrat.

Robert’s Rules

Despite this book’s overarching narratives of racial uplift via education, there is a suggestion that Peace’s narrative could be that of any other young person who came of age when optimism and free spirited partying without consequences gave way to recessions, terrorism, and a new era of anxiety.

Breaking the Code

Haney López constructs a history of “strategic racism,” whereby politicians, regardless of personal attitudes about race, exploit (on the right) or accommodate (on the left) these attitudes. The result, in his view, has been an exacerbation of racial stereotypes, fears, and distortions regarding public discourse and policy.