The Money Jungle
Money has always corrupted in one way or another, but it is the unequal and illogical distribution of power that most plagues our cherished games.
Editor’s Note
Maybe money changed us a long time ago and there is really nothing it can do for us now as it is, in the human mind, both everything and nothing.
The Prestige Economy as Frankenstein’s New Monster
Since 2008, the illusion of prestige has deceived millions of Americans into working for free—or worse, paying to work.
Reflections On the Gender Gap
The gender salary gap is significantly more complex than a simple comparison of median earnings by gender. The gender salary gap among the highly-educated can be explained by many factors, some starting as early as middle school mathematics courses.
The Adventures of Bitcoin
It is unfortunate that all the useful features of bitcoin—decentralization, resiliency, anonymity, finality, censor resistance, and its ability to be used online—are twinned with price volatility. However, to write Bitcoin off this early in time would be premature.
Why We Fail to See That Heathcliff is a Bad Landlord
Despite my fevered readings and re-readings, I had never for one moment considered the economics of Wuthering Heights at all, despite half the novel being devoted to Heathcliff’s vengeance by property acquisition.
The Two Francises and Finance
If money is a problem for Christians, both Francis of Assisi and Pope Francis and suggest, the solution is to keep it problematic for Christians and not for anyone else. The Christian community Pope Francis hopes to inspire has—at least figuratively—nobody holding the money bag.
“Lights, Camera … Money!”
At the center of almost every film is a cast of great actors. But it is money—its loss, gain, theft or lawful earning—that so often decides who gets cast.
Essay of the Month: Samuel Johnson’s 1750 Essay No. 58 From The Rambler
“It is certain that, with regard to corporal enjoyment, money can neither open new avenues to pleasure, nor block up the passages of anguish. Disease and infirmity still continue to torture and enfeeble, perhaps exasperated by luxury, or promoted by softness.”
The Dharma of Dollars
The stereotype that Hinduism is less materialistically oriented than other religious traditions is clearly false. At the same time, to offer a definitive account of the connection between Hinduism and money would be deceitful and definitively incorrect.