Jackie Robinson in his U.S. Army uniform.

Back-Seat Rebel

Jackie Robinson’s famous 1944 court-martial revealed not just the hierarchy of power in language, but also the tension between the U.S. Army’s efforts of integration and the ongoing struggle of black soldiers in their fight against Jim Crow.

Cooking With Words

If the translation is tantalizing enough—and even if it isn’t—language can transcend its boundaries beyond signifiers to land straight on the tongue. Novelist Qiu Xiaolong has the experience, and literary character, to prove it.

Science Spoken Here?

Rashied Amini argues that, while the public’s knowledge of science is woefully inadequate, scientists must learn to bridge divides of religion and a media world prone to sensationalism if the situation is to improve.

Days of Wrath

The Joads and their fellow Oakies may be today’s Orange County conservatives, but the labor struggles and political tensions made real in the pages of Steinbeck’s most famous book resonate 75 years later, and counting.