

Sister Mary Wilhelmina Lancaster

Why We Have the Strange Notion That It Is Good if We Endure Forever

Everybody wanted a piece of Sister Wilhelmina. Not a relic; those days are over. But they wanted to touch her, know her, maybe leave with a CD of the sisters’ music or a copy of the biography that was hastily whipped up. Even people who held religion at arm’s length read the national news stories, hungry for awe. And who does not need a miracle?

First Missionary Baptist Church of Kinloch, Missouri

The More St. Louis Changes, the More It Remains the Same

It has been surreal to witness more of our departures from here than our arrivals. Having been among those who left, I returned searching for clarity on the future of St. Louis and still believe in its imminent reinvention.

Greenwood Cemetery

The Long, Rugged Life of Greenwood Cemetery

Greenwood Cemetery welcomes historians just as it welcomes first-grade classes learning about significant people in history. It welcomed Shelley and Raphael Morris in 1999, now leaders of the cemetery, and it welcomed me in the summer of 2023 as I sought to learn more about this burgeoning Saint Louis stronghold.