Editor’s Note(s) Music: Never Let Me Go!


I guest-edited an issue of Daedalus on American Music in 2013 and did not think I would revisit the subject quite so soon with this issue of The Common Reader on popular music. In some ways, it is quite fortunate that I have looked at the subject of music in such different forums so recently. I think both issues are complementary and each either has subject matter that the other lacks or each illuminates the other in special ways. After all, American Music and popular music are two distinct subjects. Of course, I love this issue of The Common Reader and all the fine articles here, with subjects ranging from Sly Stone’s tweets to the history of the song, “The Lonesome Road,” from an appreciation of David Bowie to a consideration of the meaning of the word “funk.” As Duke Ellington liked to say, “The new baby is always the favorite.”