Laura D. Hirshbein, MD, PhD

Laura Hirshbein is a professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan and the author of American Melancholy: Constructions of Depression in the Twentieth Century (2009) and Smoking Privileges: Psychiatry, the Mentally Ill, and the Tobacco Industry in America (2015), both published by Rutgers University Press.

Posts by Laura D. Hirshbein, MD, PhD

Mental Illness and the Question of Genetics

Theodore Porter’s contribution to this discussion, Genetics in the Madhouse: The Unknown History of Human Heredity, takes a much broader perspective on the eugenics-genetics divide. Instead of seeing eugenics as either a founding contaminant in genetics, or as a temporary aberration in psychiatric science, Porter looks at the much longer history of data collection within the primary sites for psychiatry over several centuries: asylums or mental hospitals.