Gregory P. Magarian

Gregory P. Magarian is professor of law at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis and a well-known expert in free speech, the law of politics, and law and religion. He has written about a variety of topics in constitutional law, including free speech theory and doctrine, media regulation, regulation of political parties, the relationship between church and state, and substantive due process. Before becoming a law professor, he clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, as well as for the Hon. Louis Oberdorfer, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Posts by Gregory P. Magarian

What Price Victory?

Abrams may be the greatest First Amendment lawyer we have ever known. Abrams’s book, however, delivers only brief snippets of the fascinating war stories he must have to tell. Instead, as its title suggests, The Soul of the First Amendment deals in big, broad ideas.

A Law Supreme

The Roberts Court elevates the “how conservative?” question to a heightened pitch. The conservatism meme, though, presents a problem for serious analysts like Tribe and Coyle. The court is not supposed to be a political actor. We expect the justices to provide reasoned grounds for their decisions. That expectation is not wrong—judicial reasoning is a real thing—but neither is it simple.